OneOS NG2 is coming in the next few days and is packed with interface changes, you will notice a splash more colour, better contrast and softer rounded edges throughout.
As part of this major re-design we are introducing a new menu bar and icon set, you can see this below:

Looking at the icons shown here, from left to right:
- Filters: Tap to toggle the filters on data views
- Add: Options for adding new items, a list where multiple are available
- View: Options to open other related views
- Action Button: Options available for editing or running specific related functions on the page
- Refresh: reload the current data view
- Print: Print the current data selection, includes printing to PDF or print to PDF and email
- Export: Export the current data selection to Excel or CSV
- Search: Search the current data in view
- Display Options: Select the columns to display in the data view
The new menu replaces the older vertical bar that used to run down the left edge of screens, this new bar sits across the top and gives you access to all the same features.

When clicking icons with multiple items such as the view, shown here, a drop down list will appear.
Select the option you wish to open the related selection. If you move the mouse from the list, it will automatically close.
The report header control has also been updated to the same style as shown here. The green ‘Play’ icon will run the selected report.

Once you receive the update make sure you take a few moments to get to know the new layout and where all your usual menus are now located.